Friday, June 16, 2006

Wha ...?

I just typed in the URL to this blog to see if I had any new comments (thanks, Kim!) and instead of the boring old fried hair graphic I was shocked to see this.

What is this "blogpot" thing, anyway? Some kind of creepy new kind of proselytizing tool? And what's with the fart button? What does that have to do with anything?

Not much new to relate today. Jebediah is back to his leaping, prancing normal self – snapping at the air for milkbones like a shark in the ocean and moving in the middle of the night from his bed on Mr. A's floor to his favorite spot just inside the doorway of my room. My theory is that now that his hearing is mostly gone, his strategy for protecting us has changed from one of constant vigilance and incessant barking to a simpler one that involves physically positioning himself for maximum likelihood of being awakened by intruders tripping over his back. Apparently he has decided that I need more middle-of-the-night protecting than Mr. A does, which is probably true, since Mr. A is only spending about half the night asleep these days anyway (and spending the second half commuting to work). Thanks, Jeeps!

Tater's eye is clearing up. The full body mohawk continues to enchant and beguile me. Tonight I will be trimming his tail to a more streamlined and elegant shape.

It's almost a hundred degrees here today. The ride in this morning (before it got hot) was lovely, even though I was beset by the hideous demons of PMS and self-loathing for almost the entire ride ... saying all the usual mean and terrible things I always say to myself at this time of the month, and trying very hard to find something to feel happy, positive, and grateful about. Finding a few things, and remembering a chant I learned from someone I admire and singing it to myself the rest of the way, and feeling somewhat better by the time I arrived.

At lunch time I was going to ride across town for a certain salad I really love that I thought would cheer me up, and noticed when I went in to hop on the bike that my rear tire is completely flat. I have a pump with me and am hoping the tire will hold enough air to get me home to a patch kit and/or a new tube.

When I get there we're going to consider whether to move the outdoor bathtub under the shade of the walnut tree or leave it where it is on the deck next to the giant speaker that looks like a flower pot. Then I'm going to take a bath, and then we're going to see a friend's band at the pub (there's only one).

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get the site cleared for the studio and start building the decking. Possibly the weekend will include a trip to the salvage yard for doors and windows, and most definitely it will include a visit to Mr. A's parents and a phonecall to mine, wishing a happy Father's Day to all. I have a little Father's Day surprise for Mr. A, too, from the dogs.

In other words, I am totally boring and bored and uninspired and am going to stop writing now before I decide to just can this whole thing and go back to feeling sorry for myself.



Blogger brad-o-ley said...

Cheer up Tina!! There are hundreds of things to be grateful for. At least you didn't open the mail from the IRS and find a notice stating you owe them $32,151.00. It's an error on their part (big surprise) but it gave me a scare for a few hours as I went through my records.

Just wondering what you've decided to do with the studio? Are you buying a home from Tumbleweed or building one yourself?

6/19/2006 8:56 AM  

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