Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I got in!

Usually if I don't recognize the number when my phone rings, I don't answer it. If it's important, I figure, they'll leave a message – then I'll know who it is, and whether I want to talk to them. Does that seem unfriendly? I don't think of it that way; it's just one of the habits I've developed in an attempt to limit the amount of stimulation in my life. Getting phone calls from strangers, or wrong numbers, or the blood bank or whatever – this stresses me out.

Anyway, this morning my psychic feelers must've been extra-sensitive, because I answered a call from a strange number and it turned out to be the lady from the junior college, calling to let me know that someone had dropped the beekeeping class and if I wanted the spot, I could have it. Hooray! I had decided last night to just let it go and register early for the spring session. Now I'm IN!

This is the first official class I've taken, at an actual college, in more than ten years. In celebration of going back to school (even if it's just a community education class) I bought an apple and sharpened all my pencils. Yay, pencils!

This is an actual pencil from my actual desk at work. I love new yellow pencils. I love pencils, in general. I have about a million different kinds, including some unpainted round wooden ones with grooves carved in them, and some thin black square ones with a beautiful satin finish, and a couple that are black with white markings like on the cover of those black and white mottled composition books, and of course the obligatory glitter pencils, holiday pencils, advertising pencils and souvenir pencils from interesting places like NYNY! and the Art Institute in Chicago. But the best ones are plain old yellow number 2's, with a pink eraser and a green metal ferule (that's the metal thing that holds the eraser on). Much as I love all pencils, I find it hard to actually write with any other kind.

(Fun fact: The worst pencils in the world are the ones that are shaped like a regular six-sided yellow pencil, but are plain unpainted wood. They look so ... nude. It makes me blush me just to think of touching one.)

I also have some really cool pencil sharpeners. My favorites are a plastic one that looks like a very realistic pear (with the sharpener in the bottom) and a blue glass one shaped like an inkwell.

Maybe I should just admit it: I'm obsessed with office supplies. I hoard them. Pencils, pens, notebooks, photo corners, binder clips ... I love it all. And I love this time of year, when "back to school" season provides a perfect excuse to buy a fresh box of Dixon Ticonderogas, or a brand new datebook with clean, empty pages. Pure possibility. I love it.

On a different and totally unrelated note: Julie just tipped me off to the presence, on the American Apparel website, of a pair of gold lamé leggings that I had to order the instant I learned of their existence. I had to have them, even though it's more than likely that the most action they will ever see will be on the occasional days when I squeeze into them and walk around the house for a few hours before returning them to the underwear drawer, where they will spend the next 20 years (until I'm 60!) languishing and lamenting their unfulfilled potential.

Then again – maybe I'll get into a groove sometime where I'll be wanting to wear them every day, and wishing I had bought two pairs instead of one. It could happen! Look at this fabulous woman, for example. If I look like her at 60 I probably will wear gold lamé leggings every day. Why should I deprive the world – or myself – of such a glorious spectacle?


Blogger Rozanne said...

Here's some weird syncronicity. Gold lame features in the post I wrote last night.

Even weirder, I happened to be thinking about David Lee Roth today and decided to Google him. I found this:

I say go for the gold lame gusto just like Diamond Dave!

P.S. Very cool you got into the beekeeping class!!!!

9/13/2006 6:34 PM  
Blogger kim said...

Tina, I think I found a box of your pencils back in 1987/88 When I was living in the "Bauhaus" after you had moved out. I can't remember now what they were called. They were in a really cool box and I've never used even one of them. I think I still have them in my cottage in the back yard. I'll have to find them and give them to you when I see you.

9/14/2006 8:11 AM  
Blogger JT said...

Tina, now you've got me obsessing about the silver leggings at AA.


I've always loved how you've seen beauty in the simplest of objects like pencils.

9/17/2006 7:34 AM  

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