Saturday, November 11, 2006

A happy list, including dead animals, raw onions and cigarettes!

1. Mr. A is home! He finished up early and managed to catch a flight that got him home by 6 instead of midnight, so we had dinner out, followed by some quality time with the dogs, who were overjoyed at this visitation by the one and only living god of their universe. I was pretty happy to see him too.

2. Today we worked outside all day – clearing gutters, raking up pine needles, picking up rocks (lots and lots of rocks) and scattering five pounds of California poppy seeds and about a quart of mixed wildflower seeds all over the back field. It's going to be so pretty in the spring!

3. Tater disappeared for a half hour or so this afternoon, returning with a long bent stick in his mouth – which on closer inspection turned out to be not a stick but the dessicating fur-covered hind leg of a dead deer. We had a terrible time getting him to give it up (traded him for a tennis ball). When he disappeared again a few hours later I went back to the creek, figuring he'd gone back to investigate that carcass again. I hoped if I showed some interest he'd show me where it was – which he did, triumphantly charging up out of the back channel with a big wad of furry deer hide hanging from his jaws. Argh – blech! After I got that away from him – pitched it up into a tree where he couldn't pick it up up again – I headed down in the direction he'd come from and finally found "the body," though there wasn't much left of it. The long bones I threw over the fence into the neighbor's field, and the skull I picked up with a stick through the eye socket and carried it home for Mr. A to see. One of the horns is broken but it might still make a cool trophy, once the fur finishes drying up and falling off. Yeah – I love living in the country!

4. Driving down dark country roads tonight on my way to the burrito place, I had a most excellent Wayne's World kind of moment listening to Bohemian Rhapsody on an old CD Mr. A found while cleaning out the garage. I turned it way up and rocked out! It made me feel like I was in high school again.

5. Inside the burrito place, Janis Joplin came on the stereo and I heard the owner and two other people singing along in the kitchen, and saw a guy sitting at the counter tapping his foot while reading a newspaper feature I laid out last week and got great comments on. Another great rock & roll moment, accompanied by sweet and crunchy raw onions in green tomatillo salsa!

6. On the way home I stopped at a little bodega I just discovered – an actual grocery store, hidden away on a weird little residential street more or less in my neighborhood, which means I no longer have to drive all the way into town when I need some basic necessity like blackberry lemon sorbet – which is what I stopped for tonight. I love this little store! It has a small dog who lives in it named Enzo, and the man behind the register tonight was actually smoking a cigarette inside the store! I know it's illegal to do that and I'm generally supportive of the ban on smoking in offices and public buildings – I'm really glad I don't have to work next to someone who's smoking at their desk, for example – but so many places are taking it to such ridiculous extremes these days (like no smoking on the beach?!) that it made me really happy somehow to see this guy putting up a little nonviolent resistence. It's his store – he should smoke if he wants to!

7. Also, on the drive back I saw some really cool grafitti on a tall wooden wall, which I will go back and photograph if I can ever find the battery charger for the camera, and a fabulous heart-shaped cactus growing in the grass next to a neighbor's cow fence.

8. Now I'm home again and the Maltese Falcon is on television, to be followed by some Faye Dunaway flick in which she wears these HUGE black false eyelashes. Can't wait! Ooh – Humphrey Bogart just slugged some guy in the face, knocked him out, and is now looking at his passport and wallet. I need to shut this down now and get back to the movie. (Bogie just said, "When you're slapped you'll take it and like it!")

9. Plus, blackberry lemon sorbet!


Blogger Rozanne said...

What a fabulous weekend you are having so far!

Bohemian Rhapsody. Immediately after I heard that song for the first time on the radio, I got on my bike, rode to the mall, and bought the 45. When I got home, I played it about 300 times in a row. It's a wonder I didn't get disowned by my family.

It's a great song, though, and I always love it when I happen to hear it while driving around in the car with the (shudder) "classic rock" station on.

Bismillah, no!

Also, that movie starring Faye Dunaway with giant false eyelashes? That's all the information I need to know to predict that it's going to be great. Hope you enjoyed it.

11/11/2006 11:38 PM  
Blogger JT said...

You are such a hard worker, Tina. I love that you notice these ephemeral rock and roll moments--sometimes I wish songs like Boho Rhapsody would never end. And what a great song title!

11/12/2006 3:26 PM  

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