Thursday, March 01, 2007

¡Crocante, crujiente, cremosa con cacahuate (mani)!

Imagine my surprise to learn late this afternoon that my beloved Butterfinger is not only crispety, crunchety and peanut-buttery, but also passably fluent en español! O Butterfinger, thou wondrous bar of many talents ... I can't even muster the flowery language your magnificence deserves, but you know – I'm impressed. And desperately in need of a sugar rush. So thanks!

In other news, work is still insane but everything goes to press tomorrow so I'm just soldiering on toward the light at the end of the tunnel.

Also, my ingrown toenail is healing up nicely thanks to a top-secret soaking solution I invented the other night, and I have thoroughly flossed between all of my teeth every single day without fail since the last time I mentioned it.

The early rising thing is keeping me humble, however. Over the weekend I got up on time, only to re-succumb to the sheets less than an hour later, finding myself still exhausted and with nothing more compelling to do. On Monday and Tuesday I slept til 7:05ish, and yesterday I decided to cut myself some slack and changed the alarm from 6:44 to 6:50. It's only six more minutes, but somehow 6:50 seems so much more civilized a time than 6:44 ... I know it shouldn't make that much difference, but it did. I had no problem getting up at 6:50. Which kind of proves my point – that to really challenge myself, I need to be shooting for an earlier time.

This morning I made up for it by rising at 6:40, and making it in to work by 7:20 – not quite a record, but pretty damn close. I'm planning to do the same again tomorrow in hopes of either taking a well-deserved extra-long lunch, or getting out of dodge a little early for a change, or both.

On Saturday I'm going to the Zen Center again, which will give me a nice incentive to be up and about early in the a.m. And Sunday ... I need to plan something to do on Sunday. Maybe a walk. God knows I could use some exercise.

The thing that's striking me about this year's spring training is how much harder it is to add a new practice than it is to subtract an old one. I thought quitting sugar was going to be hard, but after the first few days it was easy. Altering my dreamtime, though – this is hard.

More thoughts on this later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:40 would be heavenly. I can't sleep past 5:15 anymore!

3/01/2007 6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you're out of synch with most people when even 5:15 (as written by your commenter) would feel like sleeping in. I only just realized the other day (DOH!) that I rise as early as I do (I wake naturally in the wee hours) because otherwise I wouldn't have enough hours in the day to do what *I* want to do. That really never occurred to me before, until about a week ago...that I'm not just getting up because I'm awake...I'm awake because I want to get up (if that makes sense).

3/04/2007 6:21 AM  

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