Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Out of the frying pan, into the fire
(wait, that's no fire, that's my hair!)

Never one to leave well enough alone, last week I once again acted on an ill-advised hair-related impulse and hennaed my hair. I already have red hair to begin with, and my past experiences with henna (there have been a lot of them) have always turned out pretty subtle. Not this time. For several days my hair was a horrifying bright carroty orange, eventually oxidizing to a deep auburn that is (whew!) much closer to my natural color. Or at least, what used to be my natural color. So far I still don't have any gray to speak of other than the occasional random single hair. But the color is definitely not as red as it was when I was younger. Except that of course now, it is. At least for awhile.

When I was little there was this lady at our church who'd once had hair the same red as mine, or so she said. In her old age it had turned a fascinating shade of champagne pink, possibly by way of some kind of mysterious rinse. We would meet in the foyer and admire each other. I aspired to my very own airy pink halo of delicately curling hair, perhaps, someday ....

In other news, the cafe next to my office has suddenly and inexplicably closed. Nobody seems to know exactly what is going on. I had my usual bagel in the morning, and when I went back for my afternoon decaf soy chai latte, the gate was locked and a big sign in the window announced "Closed for the season."

The scuttlebutt around here is that they're not reopening, though I have high hopes that someone will soon see the opportunity there and figure out a way to make something happen. Something that involves food, is what I'm hoping. Otherwise, where am I supposed to eat? The next closest place is a whole block away! Which does not seem like much, but if it isn't close enough to just zip over there and back in under five minutes it might as well be on the moon, since I very rarely have time to take the elusive state-mandated 10-minute break.

I have a lot of more interesting things to write about one of these days, as soon as I have time. Here are my top ten upcoming topics, just so you have something to look forward to.

1. My 80-year-old bicycle riding friend: fixing her bike, picnic in the park, she brought me apples.
2. Utah vacation, including a selection of bizarre scenes from the airport.
3. Followup to my ex-husband tantrum, and how journaling helps me maintain my perspective over time.
4. Grizzly Man obsession (with mention of Christopher McCandless and Everett Reuss).
5. New developments at work.
6. Tater's foot.
7. Cows: First Contact.
8. Essential gear for small-town all-season bicycle commuting.
9. My recent crippling attack of blog comment envy.
10. Seven Days Later: Vacation photo analysis, or, Why I Must Immediately Lose The Weight I've Been Talking About Losing For Oh, About Ten Years Or So Now.

Bonus topic: Looking forward to Lent, and I'm not even Catholic!


Blogger Rozanne said...

Henna once turned my brown hair green. Think: Saag (Palak) Paneer green.

I flipped out, and had to get professional help.

Looking forward to Topic #4. I have a bit of a Grizzly Man/Chris McCandless obsession, too. Don't know who Everett Reuss is, but I'm assuming he is of the Treadwell/McCandless ilk, so I can't wait for you to write about him (and them).

2/16/2006 6:07 PM  
Blogger JT said...

Yeah, you're back! I love reading you and have been missing it, missing you. I am startled too by the abrupt closing of cafes. It's like you always assume they'll be there, like . . . Mount Rushmore or something. (The Twin Towers did pop into my head.)

2/16/2006 6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tina dear -- I can't wait to read all of the entries you've only hinted at. (And because of your mentioning comment envy, I'm overcoming my natural shyness and writing this!) It's so good to read your things after a few weeks off -- the hair and the lost glasses episodes were especially lovely. And I haven't even started to delve into the last few days' worth! I've become a faithful reader for the past several months (after being an occasional reader for years and years) -- but really just shy about leaving my personal comments lying about in sorta public places. (You may know that about me from other contexts, eh?) But if it helps, I'll try to let you know every once in a while that I've been checking in... so you don't feel like your blogging in the void. You're not.


2/23/2006 12:18 PM  

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