Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A brief update

1. Mr. A came home from his latest gig with a rotten cold. Now I have it too. We spent the whole weekend on the couch watching Six Feet Under DVDs.
2. My version of this cold has turned into the kind of sinus thing where the roots of your teeth ache. Bleah.
3. I took advantage of my couch time on Sunday afternoon to spend three hours or so going over my laptop keyboard with the tweezers, first removing all the keys and then removing each and every dog hair that had become lodged between all the various moving parts. I also washed all the keys. When I was finished it looked so clean and pristine it was almost as good as having a new keyboard.
4. Tater has decided he doesn't like dog food anymore. He's learned that if he holds out long enough, he will almost always get something better. I can't say no to him. Last night he wouldn't eat, so I mixed some broth from my soup into his dog food. When he still wouldn't eat, I let him sit on the couch, and held his bowl in my lap, and fed it to him with a spoon. With my spoon. That I had been eating off of. Only when he was finished eating did I rinse off the spoon and go back to my own dinner. This kind of indulgence has got to stop. Except, does it really? Why shouldn't I spoonfeed a dog his dinner, if we both like to do it that way?
5. Because it's ridiculous, that's why!
6. Work is impossibly busy all this week. We're launching the big secret new publication a week from today. As soon as it's out, I am definitely going to take a day off.
7. This is the kind of news you get when I'm sick and tired.
8. Good night.


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