Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Pile of sticks

Tomorrow morning I'm leaving to see my family for a few days of talking, eating, playing and camping in the Uintas. While I'm there, I'm going to sit down with my dad and brothers and try to figure out once and for all how I'm going to put this mythical building together. The summer's already half over and all I've really done so far (aside from sitting in chairs in various parts of the property at all hours of the day and night in order to test the vibes, and making millions of little drawings) is move this big pile of sticks and branches from one side of the property to the other.

This one was taken from what will be the front porch of the building, looking toward town. Note the apple trees, the neighbor's giant white motorhome, the big junk pile I'm slowly dismantling, and (just off camera to the left) the far back part of the yard formerly known as "poo corner," which I am hoping they will abandon as soon as they realize it's going to be inhabited by me. I don't anticipate any problems with this – they're great dogs, very intuitive. The whole reason they chose that corner in the first place is because it's as far as they can possibly get from where the people hang out.

This one is from the point of view of the second apple tree, more or less, facing where the building is going to be. The white line is a 10-foot stick of the PVC pipe I used to wire together a scale model of the frame, just to make sure I liked the place and position. The trunk of the redwood tree behind it is about eight feet away from the back wall of the building. To the right you can see the eucalyptus that had its top removed last winter – actually a storm removed most of it, and we had the rest chopped off just below the wound in order to encourage better healing. I have mixed feelings about this tree ... my last house had a big row of beautiful hundred-year-old eucalyptus trees lining the creek, and I loved them. This one doesn't seem healthy and I'm not sure what to do about it. Probably I will invite the tree guy back for another look after I get back from my trip.


Blogger brad-o-ley said...

Oh Tina, you are so much like the rest of us crazies. I love that you put together a pvc house to make sure everything was just right before you started building. Reminds me of when Mom built a card-board-box model of the fireplace and mantel to be sure the size was right before she had Dad build it. It sat in their house for weeks! I'll have to confess I would probably have done something similar.

7/11/2006 4:53 PM  

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