Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know I probably make this same announcement every year, but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Today, for the fourth year in a row, I celebrated it with Mr. A and his family.

In Mr. A's family, holiday gatherings are sort of spread out amongst the brothers and sisters. For Thanksgiving everyone goes to his second oldest brother's house, Christmas is at his oldest sister's, St. Patrick's Day at his next older brother's and Easter at his parents' and oldest brother's. We had Fourth of July here this year, so I guess that one is ours now if we want it. His remaining sister doesn't host anything, but that's okay – they can always be counted on to show up for everyone else's parties, which is the main thing.

So today we had a nice meal at his brother's house, went for a walk after dinner, and are now back at home – Mr. A sleeping, and me watching Fitzcarraldo drag his ship over a mountain (in the fog, with that beautiful vaguely Indian-sounding music in the background) and wishing there were just one tiny little sliver of pumpkin pie in the house to eat before I go to bed. That's one of the perks of hosting the holiday celebration that I always miss when we go somewhere else – great leftovers.

Another option, for another time, might be to simply learn how to make pumpkin pie myself. It can't be that hard, can it?

I would also like to record that Mr. A woke me up with breakfast in bed this morning: eggs, toast and tea. I sat in bed and read Dostoyevsky with the sun streaming in through the window, and when I asked him what he would do in one of the situations I'd just read about in the book he said something totally charming and funny which I meant to remember so I could write about it tonight, but which I've now forgotten, of course.

Also, I had a really good hair day today. Highly satisfactory, and near the top of my list, at this moment, of things I am thankful for.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm trying to visit as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs as I can and I thought I'd say hi, I liked your blog.. :) Here's hoping tomorrow is a really good hair day too :) For us all! ;)

11/24/2006 4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punkin pie is very easy to make if you use canned punkin (which is really an OK thing to do). You can use a readymade crust, too, but I do prefer to make my own crust.

Isn't it great when you have a good hair day! I've been tempted to actually record that in my blog (on the rare occasions it occurs, that is).

11/24/2006 8:54 AM  
Blogger JT said...


I just this second had a slice of the pumpkin pie that I made yesterday using Mark Bittman's yummy recipe in How To Cook Everything. (Wish you could join me!) I bought a crust at Whole Foods and also canned organic pumpkin, so maybe that's cheating, but it does make the whole process much less daunting, and the result it still delicious. (And yes, I kept one home for myself, because I miss Thanksgiving leftovers, too!)

11/24/2006 3:40 PM  

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