Thursday, May 10, 2007

The fun continues

Just thought you might like to know that for the last several days I have been bloated beyond all recognition by all this extra fiber I've been eating. I love raw cabbage – I still love it, adore it! – but this huuuurts. Like my intestines are full of broken rocks.

Then this morning, as I was hobbling around trying to get ready for work, I noticed an undulating curve of sparkly white lights hovering in front of my right eye – classic migraine aura. Digging through every drawer in the bathroom I finally found my old box of Imitrex. The one I got the last time I had a really bad migraine. The one that expired in 2000. There was nothing else in the cabinet except aspirin, so I wrestled the dusty little tablet out of its protective plastic bubble (finally had to gnaw the damn thing open, cutting my lip in the process) and took it anyway, called to let my boss know I was going to be late, and spent the next five hours lying in bed with my head on a bag of frozen peas, groaning and wishing I could see well enough to drive myself to the hospital for a shot of Demerol. I have a friend who swears by it for migraines.

ANYway. Nobody who reads this could possibly be any more bored with my boring catalog of ailments than I am, so I'm gonna move on to some new topics.

Summer sheets! The other night I swapped the flannels for a fresh set of crisp cotton, and wow – it's like having a whole new bed.

Summer haircuts! Mr. A and I both had a couple inches lopped off the other day. It was a lot more noticeable on him than on me. We also power washed both dogs and gave the Taterman his seasonal shave. This time we all did it in one day and it looks great! He smells good too.

Summer food! We planted tomatoes, basil, cilantro, parsley and all kinds of assorted flowers. Basil pesto is one of my favorite things of all time, and I'm sorry but I really do love to eat it on pasta, so I'm in search of a low-glycemic variety that I can eat without sending my glucose through the roof. People have suggested whole wheat pasta, or spelt pasta – so I'll be looking for those to try this weekend.

Summer shoes! Sandals rule, and no more socks til November. Nuff said.


Blogger JT said...

I love both whole wheat and spelt pasta. We eat both regularly.

I love your love of new sheets.

I did not know you were migraine prone.

5/11/2007 7:32 PM  

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