Dancing the bobcat

The stones are what led to the dancing. When the whole contraption was struggling and lifting itself up off the ground with the effort of coming up against them, I had the bright idea of steering the cat around slightly, hoping to slip the tip of the auger under the obstacle from the side and lift it up from underneath. This kind of maneuver causes the thing to jump and twist – not enough to actually turn itself over, of course – as if it were dancing. It was fun to practice, once I got over being afraid of killing someone. And several times, it actually worked.
Installing several hundred feet of fenceline will be our first sorta big step toward making some of the changes I've been itching to make around the property, and although there's still a lot more to do, we got a pretty solid start. I'm going to call it a good day.
P.S. That is not me in the picture, in case you were wondering.
Labels: house
i'm very impressed that you wrangled one of these things. who knew that any average citizen could rent them? I guess I sound real (annoyingly) citified.
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