Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Plate of shrimp

Tonight I celebrated our new cable service by watching Repo Man on demand. Mr. A had not seen it before and I couldn't bring myself to refrain from quoting every funny line in the movie, just seconds before the character on screen said it ....

Now I'm celebrating our high-speed Internet service by writing this entry.

A lot has been happening lately; I've been busier than I like to be, for several weeks. Funny how the work expands to fill the available time – I'm working on some freelance projects, getting about a million errands done, losing a little weight again (more on that later), and even had time for a quick trip back to the Northwest for a little shot of lush, green, gorgeous city energy.

Lent started last week, and I started a few new practices ... I think I decided last year not to call what I'm doing "observing Lent," though, because I'm not Catholic. For awhile I was calling it "Spring Training," or "Spring Discipline." Maybe Spring Practice Period? In any case, I'm following the timeline they've established for Lent, which goes from the day after Fat Tuesday (which was a week ago today) until Easter.

When is Easter this year, anyway?

What I'm doing (this is such a quick and poorly written entry ... sorry!): eating only foods that have no sugar added (am not eschewing fruit this year, or toast, at least not any more than usual), cutting waaaaaay down on the caffeine (gradually, so as not to induce a headache), and attempting to focus on the Fourth Wonderful Precept, which has to do with Mindful Speech:
Aware of suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to the suffering of others, I vow to cultivate loving speech and deep listening in order to bring joy and happiness to others and relieve others of their suffering. Knowing that words can create happiness or bring suffering, I vow to learn to speak truthfully, with words that can inspire self confidence, joy and hope. I am determined not to spread news that I do not know to be certain, and not to criticize or condemn things I am not sure of. I will refrain from uttering words that can cause division or discord, or that can cause the family or the community to break. I will make every effort to reconcile and resolve all conflicts, even small.

Things have been so crazy at my office lately, and certain people and situations there have been inspiring such frustration, anxiety and anger in me, that I've found myself speaking in ways I know are not skillful or helpful almost every day I go to work. It's so tempting to try to blow off steam in a bad situation by talking shit about whatever (whomever) I am feeling that way about. I know this doesn't change the situation though, or even make me feel better, really; in fact, as I've been paying attention to how it does make me feel, I've noticed it usually only seems to inflame the negative emotions I'm trying to get rid of.

So I'm trying to remember to Not do that anymore.

A note about my trip to Portland: First, I'm feeling weird writing about it, because there are three people I know & love who live there, who I did not call when I was in town because it was such a quick trip I knew I wasn't going to have time to see them. Same goes for a trip to Utah last month ... one of the pitfalls of always having to get in and out of town so fast. But – aside from that, I had such a great time there! The friends I visited are some of my favorite people in the world, and the city itself feels so different from here. It really made me aware of how small this place really is, and how tired I'm getting of limiting myself to such a tiny playground.

I will elaborate on all this and more some other time.


Blogger Jason said...

While you're at it, missy, why don't you traipse up to Tacoma and avoid me? Maybe not go out for lunch--or not have coffee if you're crunched for time...

2/13/2008 9:30 AM  

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