Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rim of light

Another picture of my new favorite thing, this one taken from the plane last week. I'm assembling quite the collection of these, these days. Here's one of the horizon over my road, heading toward my house the other night:

If you look just left of the middle and blur your eyes a bit, you'll see the reason I took this shot: there was a cloud formation hovering there that looked just like a big beautiful pink and white bird. It was fun to ride up the road looking at that.

Here's a shot of what I did this morning: stacked about two cords of firewood.

It's sort of back-breaking work but at least I didn't have to load and unload the truck – Mr. A and his brother did that part. This is from that down white oak and other wood Mr. A salvaged a couple years ago, when we rented that log splitter. It's totally dry now and ready to burn, which is a very satisfying feeling. One of these days we'll need to split and stack the wood from the dead 50-foot Monterey pine we took down last winter, as well as a 20-foot madrone (also dead) that came down today. This is not even to mention the additional woodpiles in several other locations around the lot ... which I would love to someday consolidate.

Realistically though, I'd rather tidy up (and eliminate) the multiple piles by burning through them than by moving them – so it's good we finally got the stove installed. I can't wait to start using it.

P.S. The sharpest-eyed among my loyal fans may notice that this header has been recycled from a previous fall. One of these days I'll do a new one for this year but until I get around to it – what can I say, I just love those persimmons!

P.S.2. Urgh – looking at the picture of that woodpile I'm seeing a few sticks I want to reposition. Next time we do the splitting I'll need to make extra-sure we don't end up with so many weird-shaped pieces (like anyone reading this cares if my wood pile is less than 100% perfect – whatever THAT is!).

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Blogger Rozanne said...

I did notice that you've recycled the Persimmon pancakes for all header, but I love the sentiment and it's a beautiful photo, so, yay, for recycling!

I did *not* notice that the woodpile wasn't perfect!

9/23/2008 12:31 AM  

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