Friday, September 19, 2008

Somebody who looks like somebody

I saw this gal in the Las Vegas airport at the end of a day of switching back and forth between CNN coverage of the latest economic crisis, and an MTV so-called reality show about Paris Hilton's search for a new BFF.

This was the first press check I've done where I sort of started to feel like it was more work than fun – although I did have some fun, met up with my two aunts for dinner at the hotel restaurant the night before, and always enjoy my time sitting in the clients' guest lounge with a giant flat-screen TV, big comfortable leather chairs and an endless supply of diet Coke.

Anyway – this is my fashion offering for this week. She does sort of look like ... someone ... maybe just a little?

In other news, as of this week it's now cold at night and feeling very distinctly like fall during the day. I love it. We're going to rip out the last of our garden tomorrow (except for the black sunflowers, which are still doing great) and start putting in our winter plantings. Garlic, onions, leeks, spinach, more lettuce of course ... I can't wait to start eating from the garden again. Speaking of which, we'll also be harvesting several beautiful hard squashes to save for the winter, grown from my parents' seeds of a variety that has been one of my all-time favorite things to eat since I was a kid.

Fall and winter food is something I look forward to every year at this time ... and as soon as it's rained enough to really wet things down – hopefully within the next month or so – we'll be able to start using our new wood stove. This will be my first winter since 1997 that I'll be heating exclusively with wood. Different fuel sources make different-feeling heat, and I'm especially partial to the feel of heat that comes from wood. Plus it's so cozy to sit in front of the stove and watch the fire.

Now off to the farmer's market in search of something fresh and good for lunch.


Blogger Julie Turley, Kingsborough Librarian said...

i love how you paint your life. it makes me want to be in it.

i didn't know you could grow there throughout the winter.

I know what you mean about the airport girl.

9/19/2008 4:23 PM  

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