Monday, February 23, 2009

Where oh where

So, have I totally abandoned this blog? No. At least not in my heart ... I still think all the time about things I want to write about, and will write about them someday – I hope in the not too distant future.

For right now I'm way over-extended at work, both in my day job and with a couple of freelance projects that arrived at the same time and which, the economy being what it is these days, I felt compelled to say "yes" to even though what I want more than anything else at this time of year is to curl up in a warm little ball of blankets and pillows and nap my way to spring.

However. I can sleep when I'm dead, I suppose. I've heard people say that, and always thought it was a pretty stupid thing to say ... Not least of all because in my opinion lack of sleep is one of the top four or five conditions that cause people to die before their time – and also because I find the process of falling asleep and waking up one of the most pleasurable activities I know. Especially lately, since I'm such a terrible sleeper to begin with and all this crazed and frantic activity (relatively speaking – it might not appear so to others more accustomed to a speedier pace of life) makes it even harder for me to fall into dreamland, and the resulting exhaustion makes it even more tempting than ever to stay there in the morning despite all the work I've committed to ....

In any case. I just got back from a meeting about one more little project that looks like it could actually end up being kind of fun, and I know my brain is just going to be spinning and twirling all night long with ideas about where I want to go with it. Plus, I have a couple of books I've been reading, plus all the trees are busting out in blossoms, plus it's almost time (in less than 48 hours!) to begin my annual spring practice period (formerly observed as a weird non-Catholic form of Lent, sort of) and I still haven't totally decided what I'm going to do.

Restricting my carbohydrate intake to less than 80 grams a day would be good for me, and hard and unpleasant, so it would qualify as an appropriate discipline to undertake ... Other possibilities I've considered include not riding in or driving a car, increasing my daily exercise from 50 minutes to 90 minutes, establishing various other food and exercise related habits I won't bother to detail, brushing the dog every day (not as easy as it sounds, since he doesn't really like to be brushed – but it decreases the dog hair quotient around here by a factor of at least ten thousand hairs a day and would be a good habit to instill in him, too), and finally, the one that I really want to do but am unsure I'm capable of – not wearing black for the entire 40 days plus weekends from midnight tomorrow until Easter Sunday.

I know I don't look good in black. When I look in the mirror I always think I look okay, but when I see pictures of myself wearing black it's clear to me that I don't. With my hair and skin I mostly just look pasty and overwhelmed in black. The main reason I wear it so often is because it's easy – it always matches, and it hides dirt and stains, and as long as both of your dogs are black it doesn't show dog hair either. The trouble is that, were I to take this on starting on Wednesday, I'm not sure I actually have enough non-black winter apparel to keep myself clothed warmly without doing some major layering and/or shopping, which I don't have the time or inclination to do right now ....

Still, I've been thinking about it for several weeks now and it still seems like a good idea. Maybe the difficulty would make it an even better idea. The whole point is to stretch myself, right? To form at least one positive new habit a year, even though it's hard? So I might try it despite my limited wardrobe and see what happens.

P.S. I just realized too that I really hate this winter header. Look for a new one soon, probably this weekend.

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Blogger JT said...

you've just inspired me to start a spring practice! this is exciting.

i'm sick of all of my black clothing. i have drawers and drawers full of it. i'm thinking of doing a major purge, actually. i feel like i need a paradigm shift sartorially speaking.

will be interested to know what you choose to do for the next 40 days.

2/24/2009 6:07 AM  

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