Monday, July 17, 2006

Blueberry feast

I just finished eating a whole cup of fresh raw local organic blueberries for breakfast and am feeling so antioxidized it isn't even funny. Plus – yum.

Utah was hot, dry and so intensely sunny I could hardly see. Some highlights: my niece's seventh birthday party; walking through the house my sister and her husband are buying; making dinner for my entire family, something I have never done before since I am only just this year realizing that I do know how to cook good things; camping with everyone in my family (except Mr. A and my youngest sister – they both had to work); joining my nieces and nephews for innumerable micro-hikes of 100 feet or so; hiking up the side of the mountain through groves of quaking aspen, mint-banked mountain streams, and waist-high grass and flowers; helping my dad make s'mores for everyone; helping a sensitive nephew with some difficult emotions he was feeling; talking about family stuff with my mom; and watching a ginormous fireworks display with my parents on their forty-second anniversary, which also hapened to be my last night in town.

I have another week's worth of vacation I'm supposed to take before November, or I'll get a check instead of the time off – they don't let you roll it over into another year. Our assistant did a great job substituting for me while I was gone, so I'm actually allowing myself to hope I might be able to take the time instead of the money. I would like to visit my sister in Boulder, or possibly some friends who are moving to Portland. Or maybe I'll stay closer to home, rent a cabin on the river. It's always great to see family and friends, but I've really been jonesing for some alone time lately. Just me, my dog, a new tube of sunscreen, and a big bag of books. Or maybe just one book. I ordered this over the weekend and would love to take my time getting through it.


Blogger Rozanne said...

That is a gorgeous photo of blueberries. I went and picked about six pounds of them on Saturday. I made a pie with some of them but the rest I will eat raw, so as to get the full antioxidizing effect.

Your trip to Utah sounds wonderful. Quaking aspens!!!! They are a splendid tree. We don't have many of those in western Oregon.

7/17/2006 1:07 PM  

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