Thursday, October 05, 2006

It's raining!

In celebration of the first rain of the season, I am teaching myself a new song on the harmonica! You can listen to my inspiration thanks to a link on the website of one of the people whose aprons are going in the mail this week I promise (and I hope you know who you are) – which link turned me on to, a free service that "allows everyone to upload files to our servers, and publish the download links on the World Wide Web." Cool!

A song to play in the rain

Don't worry about the weird file – it's not a virus, just a song I copied from a CD (you can read about the file format here, if you're still worried). You should be able to play it in iTunes, QuickTime or other standard players. I will probably be using this tool a lot if it works for my handful of loyal readers (assuming you have a very small hand). So let me know how it goes.

Yay, rain!


Blogger puddle said...

Oh, it's absolutely lovely!! Thank you! ♥s

10/05/2006 6:26 PM  

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