Friday, November 24, 2006

Mmmm ... laundry

Remember when I used to work in that froufy home accessories store? This was one of my favorite products from that store, and since we're in the home stretch of NaBloPoMo and I'm posting today only in order to preserve my record, I'm going to go ahead and resort to shameless promotion of a commercial product (on Buy Nothing Day, no less!). This lavender scented textile softener from France is so nice that I'm officially addicted to it, to the point where I can no longer sleep without the smell of lavender wafting up from my linens. When I travel, I have to bring my own pillows (I also bring a little linen pillow stuffed with lavender from my own garden. The smell makes me feel right at home).

My friend who owns the store no longer carries this product, and I just used up the last drop from my last bottle – so I was very happy today to find a store on eBay that has the lavender and also a bunch of other flavors, including the orange blossom, which I also like but which makes me sneeze a little.

So, hooray for the world wide web! Now that I've found it again, only one question remains: why are they using fake violets to accessorize a bottle of lavender-scented fabric softener? All purple flowers are not lavender!

P.S. While I'm recommending girlie-style products that smell good, here's another one I can't live without: this ayurvedic sandalwood moisturizer. It smells divine, goes on light, and has never irritated my ridiculously sensitive skin. Plus, did I mention it's pink? Gotta love that.


Blogger JT said...

Is sandalwood an endangered species now? I had recently read that, and that it had gotten very expensive, but maybe I'm thinking of something else.

I always think of you and lovely scents, Tina.

11/24/2006 3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to be too schoolmarmish (one of my less pleasing traits), but I do think the pic shows lavender flowers (in full bloom), not violets.

I have a lot of Hidcote lavender in my garden and I've inspected it pretty closely; it can look like that.

11/24/2006 7:27 PM  

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