Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Caffeine free me

So it's been a couple of weeks now (I think) since I said good-bye forever to my beloved Diet Pepsi Jazz, along with all the other caffeine I'd gotten used to having every day. Well, almost all. I'm still allowing myself one cup of something in the morning, and that seems to be enough to get me started and out the door, at least until I drop that habit too. And I do seem to be sleeping a little better again.

But I still need a new bed. The one I've been sleeping on for the last ten years was great when it was new, but it started out squishy and has only gotten squishier over time. That was great too, at first. When I bought it, I had just left my marriage and most of my stuff behind, and had been sleeping on the floor for several months on a flattened old worn out crib-sized mattress from the thrift store. So when I had enough money to buy a real bed again, I wanted one that was super thick, soft and comfortable. The one I chose had not one but two pillow tops, one on each side – so really, you could say it had a pillow top and a pillow bottom.

And therein lay the problem. With pillows on both sides, there was nothing to support the springs inside. According to the people at the new mattress store, that's why nobody makes mattresses that way anymore – it was a 90s experiment that turned out to be kind of a dud. All the same, I loved it while it lasted, and it did last about nine years before it started to blow out.

So now it's time to choose again. The latex is awesome, but expensive – about two grand for the one I have in mind. Or, I could get a regular mattress with springs, and spend the extra money on linens and pillows. Either way I'll be picking something this weekend, and then – sleepy trails to me. I can't wait!


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