Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The ultimate recycled shoes?

I just don't know if it's possible to get any better than these. I'm intrigued enough to consider maybe I really could construct my own totally rad platforms, to my own embarrassingly exacting specifications. The materials for these are readily available: recycled bicycle inner tubes, recycled cardboard, recycled tire treads. Wearable? Mmmmmmaybe .... or maybe not. On the other hand: Stylie as all getout? I should say so. Check them out here.

No time to write much these days, or at least not much that's well-considered and worth reading. Work has been busy and will continue to be, but that isn't stopping me from taking a long weekend off to go to a birthday party in Seattle, followed by (hopefully) some kick-ass hiking in green and mossy places along the way home.


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Blogger JT said...

i LOVE THOSE SHOES!!! I gasped when I saw your photo.

11/13/2008 2:03 PM  

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