Thursday, October 16, 2008

Friday fashion

And speaking of fashion: I haven't totally given up on my Friday fashion coverage, though I'm considering changing the name to "occasional Friday fashion coverage."

This girl I saw in a bookstore a couple of weeks ago when it was raining – they were setting up for a reading and she was prancing around the shop in her kitty cat slicker and umbrella, singing a song that goes like this: "Meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow, MEE-OW!"

A few hours later I saw her and her mom again in the Thai restaurant across the street, and she was still singing the same song, only this time the words had something to do with "If I had a wish that I could give to you ...."

The thing is, she was a tiny person singing, but she didn't sound like a tiny person. She just sounded like a person, singing. A beautiful, clear, round voice. It was really something kind of special. And very sweet, on such a rainy night.



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