Strange commerce

In my wanderings on the web today I found this site where you can buy (and sell!) human hair. This long red braid is one offering; most of the others show the hair actually still attached to the person who's growing it, along with a description, and the terms and conditions of the sale.
I've read that the best wigs are made from human hair, but I guess I always thought that wigmakers would find the hair on their own ... On this site though, apparently anyone who wants to bid can buy the hair. And once you buy it, presumably you can do whatever you want to do with it.
Somehow I think it would really creep me out to know that someone out there in the world was walking around wearing a big hank of my hair. Hair just seems so personal, and private in a way. I don't even like leaving my hair on the floor of the salon when I go in for a trim.
One of my ongoing art projects has to do with hair as a symbol of personal power and change over time ... I've been archiving my own hair from washings and cuttings for going on five years now and that's all I want to say about it at the moment.
The new header photo is one I took standing at the end of my driveway this afternoon, just as it was starting to get dark. I love the sunsets we get around here in winter.
Great new header photo.
We're getting some awesome sunsets down here in Oakland as well.
As for human hair wigs..We have several wigs we've collected to wear occasionally over the years--human and synthetic.
I actually prefer the synthetic because they seem to hold up better over time. Human hair tends to fall out of the netting after a lot of use.
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