Thursday, October 13, 2005

The bitter end.

I'm quitting blogging. When I started out, it felt so honest and free to be able to speak and be spoken to like this. Six and a half years later, I'm tired of how big and public and self-conscious the medium seems to have become. Who's the wittiest? The wryest? The most intelligent, insightful, or self-deprecating? Who has the most interesting life, the most provocative ideas or ways of writing about art, culture, politics, parenthood, or any other thing? Who has the most closely examined life? The most sensitive feelings? The most lovingly nurtured spiritual life? In short: Who's the coolest blogger in all the blogosphere?

All I know for sure is that it ain't me.

Blogging doesn't feel like sharing to me anymore. It just feels like a big fat ego-fest.

Not YOU, of course! I love YOUR blog! Seriously.

But I'm finished with this one. If you want to keep in touch, leave me a comment.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's only an ego fest if you let it be. All the contests and the Clix and the voting are for those insecure bloggers like Trancejen, Omniverse, Uncle Bob, Marn and countless others who think their words are groundbreaking and should not be missed. It's those blogs that you leave to the ego fest because that's why they blog: they want you to feel sorry for them, pay attention to them, donate money to pay their bills, etc. etc. etc. It's true blogs, like yours and a few others, that speak these true words and true feelings that should be cherished for what they are: a glimpse into how someone else feels.

Long story short, I've never taken anything from an ego fest blog, but from yours (which I've been reading for 3 years now) I've found words of wisdom, humor, and comfort. I am sad to see you go.

10/13/2005 8:04 PM  
Blogger JT said...

It's funny because you and Michael were the two people I started by blog for, and now, after several years of reading your blogs, you have both quit within a month of each other. I have to say it--I'm sad.

And of course, it makes me think . . . hmmm, maybe I should quit, too. (Just for the record, I KNOW I'm not the wittiest, or smartest, or most interesting blogger either--far from it--I always did it just for you, babe.)

I've enjoyed everyword of your blog for several years now. I always thought so many people could benefit from your insights and honesty.

Be well, Tina!

10/13/2005 8:26 PM  
Blogger puddle said...

Been dealing with stuff that's kept me sort of away from my schedule on the computer, and come and see you're quitting (but haven't thank goodness). If you do, I'll be sorry, and miss you, and wonder what you're doing, and how you're feeling about the universe and so on. I'd be sad. (That goes for the other Julie, too, if she quit.)

But. I do know that people really do have to do what they have to do. So: ♥ whatever you decide.

10/14/2005 12:09 AM  

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