Monday, April 24, 2006

Putting it to bed

My big project is coming off the press even as I type and I'm relieved and frustrated and pleased and embarrassed. A few thoughts:

1. Overall it looks so much better than anything they've done before. On the most important piece, I feel totally satisfied with the design – that's gratifying. I struggled with it for several hours over the weekend and wasn't sure until the last moment that it was actually going to come together.

2. I'm not happy with the printing. All of the printers are so different it's impossible to get an accurate color proof, and the press is so loosie-goosie that even on the same page, the same color can (and does – did) change up to 20% depending on where it is on the page. Is this considered an acceptable variance in this kind of printing? It isn't acceptable to me. I need to figure out how to get better precision. Also, the photos came out way too dark. That's maddening, especially since it was so beautiful on screen and in the proof.

3. I need to find myself some kind of coach or mentor, or take some classes or something – it takes too long to keep figuring everything out totally on my own. Not only technical stuff but also just ... career stuff, what the hell am I really doing with my life stuff, strategy stuff, etc.

4. On another piece, someone with influence exercised it (against my recommendation) to insist upon using several super-distinctive display fonts in places where they really don't belong. I'm hoping that once this person sees it in the finished piece, they will realize that using lots of different fonts makes it look less like a clean, stylish, professionally-designed publication and more like the flyer somebody's big sister made for the middle school band bake sale. Then maybe I can have my way with that part of the thing, too.

5. I promised myself that once it was launched I was going to ask for a raise. Am I really going to do it? I've never had to ask for one before – I've pretty much always been given good raises or bonuses every year just as a matter of course, at least until I (invariably) got laid off. Here, I don't even know where the pay scale for this job description tops out. How much does everyone else make? How much does my boss make? She's been working the same job since I was a freshman in high school. Is any of this even relevant? Or should I just ask for what I want, regardless of what anyone else is getting? See, this is why I need a mentor – I have no idea how to go about this kind of thing.

6. There was a time when I'd hoped to start doing some writing here; recently I was invited to start doing some features, and I realized I just don't want to. The rate for freelancers is just too low to bother with. Maybe once in awhile, if I'm interested in the subject. Or I could do a column. That could be fun. Also, if I wanted to start selling stuff again it might be good to have my name in print on some more recent pieces. But I don't really think I want to do that right now. Anyway. Good to know it's an option, if I decide I want to.

7. It seems kind of pathetic that it's 10:30 at night and I'm still so wired over all this that I'm spending my own personal time thinking about it. I'll probably be up all night enumerating each and every detail I want to tweak before the next issue.

8. One of these days I hope to spend some time thinking (and writing) about more interesting, personal things. At this moment though I have nothing interesting or personal to think or write about, because my mind has been utterly consumed with work for coming up on a month now. Even in my dreams I can't get away from it.

9. Thanks to everyone who suggested cold and allergy remedies. I'm better.

10. On a totally unrelated note – Mr. A is putting down a deposit tomorrow on a new Prius. We had been leaning toward the Civic hybrid but the Prius is more spacious and comfortable inside for tall people like Mr. A, plus it has weird geeky features like Bluetooth something or other that lets you talk on your cellphone through the steering wheel! The main selling point, however, was its eligibility for the magic sticker that lets you drive in the carpool lane with only one person in the car. That will save him a lot of time commuting.

11. Pictures, too. I need to start posting pictures again.

Listening to: Walter Brennan / Old Rivers
This one is worth looking up; I'll give you a dollar if it don't bring a tear to yer eye. Or make you want to get a mule.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strangely, I just stumbled across this salary figure-outer thing yesterday:

You can plug in all your info (where you live, what you do, etc.) and it'll tell you how much other people who live in the same area and do the same thing earn. That way, you'l have some solid data behind you when you ask for your new happy raise. Best of luck!

4/25/2006 12:16 PM  
Blogger brad-o-ley said...

Hey gal, I'm glad your design journey has hit a milestone. Can you post the new look some how? I'd be interested to see how it turned out. Take yourself and Mr. A out for an amazing dinner somewhere to celebrate.


4/28/2006 12:10 PM  

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