It's happening!

This is a photo of the actual cable that will soon be bringing broadband Internet service into my home! We still don't know when we'll actually be able to plug in, but the trucks have been here several times already (creating a new, awkward and not altogether welcome roadway through our back field), and now the roll of cable is here as evidence that they're NOT just talking about offering service on our road – they're finally doing it!
We might even sign up for ... gasp ... Television!
Not feeling much like writing lately. I'm still pretty hungry, and am slowly figuring out that I'm probably not going to ever be able to eat much of anything made out of grain – any kind of grain. So that's a bummer. I'm trying not to think too much about it, and focus on the millions of delicious things I can eat.
I have a cousin who has a deadly allergy to legumes – even the tiniest molecule of peanut powder in her food could kill her (and very nearly has). She doesn't go around frowning about all the peanut butter sandwiches she can't eat, or try to trick herself into thinking just a little bite here and there won't hurt ... She just stays the hell away from anything suspicious. I may end up trying to cultivate a similar attitude toward grain products – bread, bagels, crackers, brown rice, cookies, quinoa salad, spelt pasta ... I won't keel over in anaphylactic shock the moment I eat it, but over time that kind of diet will raise my blood sugar enough to destroy my eyes, kidneys, nerve endings, heart, feet, etc. etc....
So maybe I'll just have to say, I've enjoyed all those things SO much already in my life, I'm going to consider myself as having already used up my lifetime allotment of enjoyment of grains, and will now turn my attention to the galaxy of other wonderful foods awaiting my discovery ...
I still do wish I could have just one more piece of toast, though.
But for now, I'm going to say no. My constant testing is showing me that it just isn't worth it for me, at least not right now.
One last gripe – the "live well with diabetes" literature I was given by the Registered Dietician is completely full of crap! If that's the kind of advice diabetic people are being given by their trusted medical professionals, then I'm not surprised so many of them end up with complications. Ugh ... I'm too tired to get into it right now. Suffice it to say, I'm not following their suggestions. People do need fiber and carbohydrates and B vitamins (etc.) to be healthy, but it's only very recently in the history of the species that we've obtained ANY of those nutrients from grain-based foods. At least until I get my blood sugar under control, I'm going back to the caveman diet – fresh raw crunchy colorful veggies, a little meat, maybe a little fruit once in awhile. But even fruit makes my blood go insane!
Anyway. I'm tired, hungry, on deadline and not feeling very motivated to communicate articulately. Oh – plus, PMS.
Must. Eat. More. Raw. Cabbage.
Labels: diabetes
I have to say I am admiring all over the place your resolve to be so careful about your diet. I would be feeling very sorry for myself over the ban on toast. I love it so! (I know you do, too, which is why I am in awe.
I feel confident, though, that you'll be able to get things to the point where you will be able to have the occasional piece of toast as a special treat.
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