Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Perfect timing

Just got an email announcement about a new class at my meditation center – one that "expands on the teachings about basic goodness" of some of the classes I took last year, and goes into depth on dealing with the "practical details of daily life in modern society."

As you might expect there is a specific situation that is making this teaching look really good to me right now. I can't change the situation so I'm trying to change my attitude and approach to it. In any case – remembering basic goodness is always useful. Basic goodness is just as real and worthy of attention as basic jerkness.

In other news: I stacked another couple of cords of mixed firewood this weekend and I think that about does it for wood this year. This stack is even more lackadaisical than the last – the wood had been lying on the ground and was full of walnut shells, dirt and lavender-lined mouse apartments, and the softer woods are starting to go softer still – so it was hard to stack, not many regular-shaped pieces. We'll burn through this stuff first though and then on to the better logs.

I also helped Mr. A load and unload a half dozen excellent farm lots of assorted redwood – all good long pieces with only one broken board so far – for a new chicken coop, among other projects. I planted cabbages, cauliflowers, leeks, garlic, chives, cilantro, irises, raspberries and strawberries (these last two from runners), and will be putting in some Walla Walla onion sets tonight. Also, we got about half our Christmas shopping done – for supplies only, as we are making most of our presents this year. Whew!

This brief and by no means exhaustive report for the benefit of those who might be tempted to think, based on what they read here, that I do nothing all day and night but moon around complaining and introspecting.

Now I really have to go – Tater's apple just rolled under the desk and he's crying for me to get it out.


Blogger JT said...

oh, what are you making? i would like to make presents, as well.

loved the firewood photo which you posted way back.

10/08/2008 10:19 AM  

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