In Russia they still wear fur

Okay – yes – I know it's wrong! But seriously, does this not look like the most fabulously warm and decadent coat you've ever seen in your life? It never gets cold enough here to wear a coat like that, even if wearing fur was not heinous (unless it's your own) ... but I can imagine whistling over the surface of some icy tundra in an open sleigh, under the clear black starry sky, with the smell of horses and pine trees freezing in my nostrils ... wearing this coat.
Anyway. I found it here, while googling around for winter boots. This site (do click the link!) is SO much fun – you can put together all kinds of amazing fantasy outfits and find fabulous clothes and shoes and other things that you might never otherwise run across, because you don't even know they exist and therefore cannot look for them.
So I spent some time playing around there, but I still haven't found the boots I'm looking for. Will I know them when I see them? Yes. Do I know exactly what I need? Mmmm ... kind of. I know they must be black, no laces, zipper maybe (I'd prefer no zipper), at least a 1-2" platform, and anywhere between lower-calf and mid-calf height. They should be reasonably waterproof. Round or square toe, not pointed. Not too fancy. Any buckles or other visually complicated details would have to be at or below the ankle. On second thought, no buckle would be best, I think. MAYbe a harness ring, as long as they're not too stiff.
Is this a shallow and boring blog post? Yes. That can be a good thing though. My tolerance for drama has been put to the test this week and found lacking. Also, I just found out I'm going to be working not only the rest of this weekend but most likely all of next weekend as well. So a little bubble-headed frivolity is feeling like just what the doctor ordered.
For example, these.

And actually it's kind of interesting, thinking about these shoes, and posting a picture of them ... because I know the perpetrator of last weekend's sexual assault reads this blog, and normally I wouldn't think twice about posting a picture of some high-heeled leopard-print fetish shoes, but now – I am thinking twice. And I'm feeling myself inhibited by the knowledge that to some people, my posting of a picture like this might be taken as permission or an invitation to view me as some kind of fetish object. Which, just for the record, it is NOT.
P.S. Just to be obnoxious, here are a few pictures of boots I've considered and rejected. These might have worked despite the zipper, but they're only made for men and my feet are too small to wear men's sizes.

There really isn't anything right about these, except that I just love them. Unfortunately, they only come in little girls' sizes. And they cost $400.

These could work if I could find them in my size. Are Doc Martens waterproof though? I can't remember. Somehow I think they're not.

These, I don't know ... they're a little too short, and I've had boots kind of like this before and they never really got comfortable, even after years and years of trying to break them in. I finally sent them to the Goodwill last winter.

These looked interesting, if a little space-ship. They're Earth boots, so I know they would fit my foot (not an easy requirement to meet), but I think they have a little too much going on up around the top. And I'm not so sure that grommet thing at the ankle would not fill up with water at some point and leave me slogging around in wet socks all the rest of the day.

Looking for something a little less butch (not that I have anything against butch boots – obviously!), I pondered these ... But they're suede, they're not quite black, I don't know how durable they'd be, they're made for snow and may be too hot, and they cost around $300, which is more than I wanted to spend. They would look nice with certain dresses and skirts, though. There's also a shorter version made of "butter-soft calfskin," which is beautiful but not durable enough. I am hard on boots in at least six different ways.

For something completely different, I considered this stretchy microfiber boot .... I dunno. They could be fun. Sorta fancy, sorta krazy, at least for me – tall and skinny and somewhat polished and possibly presentable ... not much like anything else I've ever worn. But are they durable? And comfortable? Hmph. Probably not enough.

It's possible I may end up with these. They've been in my shopping cart for a couple of days and I just can't bring myself to order them ... kinda expensive, and I'm pretty sure they're too tall. They also look like they might be a little too "nice" for all the abuse I plan to put them through. But I might order them and at least just walk around the living room a few times, just to see.

Or, maybe I'll just get another pair of my favorite old standby brown riding boots and call it a day. I've worn a pair of these almost every day for the last two winters. They're about worn out though, and even if I do get a new pair (which of course I will, I love them), the problem is, they're a little short for some outfits, and the brown just doesn't go with everything. I wonder if they come in black? Hrm.

I could go on and on, but I'm kind of getting exhausted just thinking about it.
Labels: complete and utter frivolity, fashion, shoes, the events in question
i think 2 of these pairs are la canadiennes? my sister has been wearing them for a couple of years and actually bought another pair for this winter. she wears them hard through the new york city winter (which means she walks a LOT). they are totally worth it. i just got a pair of fashiony ones (kate), that have already proven themselves worth it in a downpour. they are not snow boots, but i know if it snows and i'm at work, they won't get ruined. they are expensive, but are really durable. my 2 cents. :-)
love this boot post! i could look at boots for hours, much to my own detriment, and am currently considering a purchase. thanks for reminding me of doc marten's!
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